• Yaffa Media - possibilities

Submit your editorial content

Thinking of submitting an article to a YaffaĀ MediaĀ publication?

For feature articles:
Email the editor of the publication you are interested in. (You can find editor details for any of theĀ Consumer Magazine Titles or Business Magazine Titles listed on this site) and provide a short description of your suggested article.

  • Step 1

    Send to the editor written in a simple text format (e.g. rtf).

  • Step 2

    Include an image. Ensure images are not pasted into the document but sent in separate files. High Resolution (>300dpi) images for print publications. Low resolution for web (72dpi).

  • Step 3

    Include a short biography of yourself along with a usable head photo.

  • Step 4

    Provide your full contact details.

Smaller press release articles can be pasted directly into an email message with the images attached.